Thursday, April 19, 2012

Why me

So, I'm not sure exactly where this blog will go, since I can't seem to pin down one particular area of my life on which I should focus (which I think is how blogs should work). So here's what I'm thinking: I'll write about everything that I am interested/participate in. This includes riding my 10 year old ex-racehorse Homer, who we are trying, with moderate success - to turn in to a dressage horse of modest skill. He's a blog in himself. I've had him for 5 years now, and aside from a plethora of exciting training issues - more later - he is also a pretty accident prone animal (and he's a chestnut, with famously sensitive skin). Oh, the vet bills...

I am a school librarian, and during the past two summers I have been lucky enough to work with a great dressage trainer near me as her working student. It rocks. If I could somehow make money in it, I would totally do it all year (until we get past the warmish, leaves gently falling part of fall and into the super cold part, then I am glad to have an indoor day job!).

I have two Pembroke Welsh Corgis, yes, those short-legged herding dogs that are in tight with the Queen. Mine are Ripley, age 4 1/2, and Patti, age 10. Patti is a perfect dog, and most always has been. Ripley is a huge bundle of excitable energy, and he is the one that I play most of the dog sports with (though both do obedience, and Patti likes to play on the agility equipment for cookies). More on dog stuff later.

I have a job as an aforementioned school librarian for a private girls' school about 40 minutes from my house. I love my job. I have always been a bibliophile, and part of my job i to actually research books. It is great! Of course, I think that I only have a few more years until all of my friends and relatives are really tired of getting books for every birthday and holiday, but ah, well. The girls are funny (I work in the high school), the people who I work with are pretty cool, and the work is alternately challenging and calm. Also, I can work on my houseplant addiction in a large space.

I love coffee. There, I said it. Not too many vices (is it really a horse "addiction"?), but this is one. Also, and unrelated to coffee, I've started running. For real, sometimes double digit mileage running. I actually ran my first half marathon last weekend (exhilarating, and made me really, really hungry).

I've been married to a great guy for nearly 5 years now. He is a corporate pilot, and supportive of the horse and dog stuff (mostly). Also, he is cute.

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